
Returns a list of elements matching the search regex, or None if no elements were found.
search($data , search , only_match = True , flags = "ism" ) : List | None
$ search , only_match = True , flags = "ism" ) : List | None
$data String | List | Dict

The input string, list or dictionary. If it is a list or a dictionary then the search will be done on all values.

search String (Python Regex)

The regex to use for search.

only_match Boolean

If only_match is set to True (default) then the function will only return values that respect the search rule.
If only_match is set to False then the function will return the entire source data if any of the values contained in $data respect the search rule.

flags String

Regex flags to use. Several flags can be used by concatenating them. Default: ism.
i = Case insensitive
s = Match . to any character, including newlines.
m = Multi-line matching, affecting ^ and $.

See also

How to filter a List by text search