
Combines the function search() and extract().
search_extract($data , search , extract = None , mode = "right" , flags = "ism" ) : List | None
$data.search_extract( search , extract = None , mode = "right" , flags = "ism" ) : List | None
$data String | List | Dict

The input string, list or dictionary. If it is a list or a dictionary then the search will be done on all values.

search String (Python Regex)

The regex to use for search : see search().

extract String (Python Regex)

The regex to use for extraction: see extract(), if not defined the value of the mode parameter will be used to define it automatically.

mode String

Defines the automatic extraction regex to use if extract is not defined:
right (default): automatically extracts the text located on the right of the searched text with the following regex: search + *(?:[:=] *)?(.+?) *$
left : automatically retrieves the text located on the left of the searched text with the following regex : ` *(.+?) *` + `search` >
search : Use the same regex defined in search.

flags String

Regex flags to use. Several flags can be used by concatenating them. Default: ism.
i = Case insensitive
s = Match . to any character, including newlines.
m = Multi-line matching, affecting ^ and $.

See also

How to extract values from a Spec Board